Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Brief History of Nyepi

We all know that the Hindu religion originated in India with Vedic scripture. In the early centuries AD even before the State of India and the surrounding region has always portrayed in crisis and protracted social conflict. Disputes between tribes, among others. (Saka tribe, Pahiava, Yueh Chi, Yavana and Malaya) alternated winning and losing. Wave of inter-ethnic power struggle has floated udder that religious life. The pattern of development of religious life to be diverse, both because the followers race against ethnic groups, as well as due to different interpretations of the teachings believed.

And long dispute Saka tribes eventually became the winner under the leadership of King Kaniskha I were crowned the King and derivative Saka
January 1 (one day after tilem) month 1 (caitramasa) Saka 01 years, in March of 78 BC. From this it can be seen that the turn warning saka era was a success of the leadership of King Kaniskha I unite the nation that had clashed with religious ideas that differ from each other. Since the year 78 AD that determined the Saka era or calculation year, one year also had the same 12 months and the first month is called Caitramasa, in conjunction with the March of our era and Sasih chronicle Kesanga in Java and Bali in Indonesia. Since then, the life of the state, society and religion in India reorganized.
Therefore the New Year of Saka meaningful as the day of resurrection, the day of renewal, a day of togetherness (unity), on tolerance, peace day as well as days of national harmony. This success was widely disseminated throughout mainland India and other Asian even up to Indonesia. The presence of the priest holds Aji Saka arrived in the village of Waru Rembang Java Central Java in 456 AD, where the influence of Hinduism in the archipelago as it has aged 4.5 century. 

The Aji Saka stated in addition has managed to disseminate warnings Saka New Year's, and also what happened to the two people clown! Accompanist or emissary he narrated the birth of Javanese onocoroko sowolo mogobongo padojoyonyo Doto. Because Aji Saka clown accompanied two equally loyal, the same powerful, equally strong and equally dead in maintaining the truth for the sake of his devotion to the Pandita Aji Saka.

The series Saka Year reminder Substitution

Saka anniversary in Indonesia is done by way of Nyepi (Sipeng) for 24 hours and there is a series of the show include:
1. Melasti ceremony, mekiyis and melis. The point is cleansing Bhuana alit (each of us) and Bhuana Court or this universe. Performed in the sacred water sources, rivers and ocean / beach. But the lot is in immediate because ask for t irtha amerta (tirtha which gives life) ngamet sarining amerta telenging ring immediately. In the Rg Veda II. Apam declared napatam 35.3 paritasthur apah (good and pure water springs as well and the sea, had a power cleanse).
2. Deliver to bhakti / worship in the Great Hall or the Village Temple in every village, after returning from mekiyis.
3. Tawur General / mecaru in every catus pata (intersection) villages / settlements, emblem balance. Balance buana alit, majestic globe, balance god, human, Bhuta, as well as changing the power bhuta a div / god (nyomiang bhuta) that is expected to bring peace, prosperity and wealth of the universe (Bhuana Agung Bhuana Alit). Also proceed with the event ngerupuk / mebuu-buu in every household, in order to clean up the environment from the effects of bhutakala. Later ngerupuk event accompanied by ogoh-ogoh (symbol bhutakala) as a creative art and his culture and symbolism that will bhutakala disomyakan. (But sometimes bhuta remaining properties on the person).
4. Nyepi (Sipeng) is done by implementing a catur brata penyepian (observe the work, geni observe, observe of a trip and observe of dissipation).
5. Ngembak Geni. Start a new activity that preceded the brotherhood manners in the family, residents nearby (neighbor) and in a broader event organized Dharma Santi. After doing seclusion, contemplation and introspection, it's time Ngembak on Geni, a mood, a clean mind and pure we got to do something new course toward a better place.
Yadnya done because we want to reach the truth. In the Yajur Veda XIX. 30 stated: Pratena diksam apnoti, diksaya apnoti daksina. Daksina sradham apnoti, satyam sraddhaya apyate.
Meaning: Through devotion / yadnya we acquire holiness, the holiness we got the glory. With our glory the honor, and the honor we gain the truth.
In fact the whole series in commemoration of Nyepi New Year saka it is a spiritual dialogue performed by Hindus for life is always balanced and harmonious and prosperous and peaceful. Mekiyis and devotion in the Great Hall is a spiritual dialogue with nature and the Almighty God, in all His manifestation as well as the ancestors who had been consecrated. Tawur Court with all the circuit is a spiritual dialogue with nature around the bhuta to balance Bhuana Agung Bhuana Alit.
Implementation of Catur Brata Penyepian a spiritual dialogue between the true self (the Atman) one race with the creator (Paramatma) Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. In humans there is the din dii / atrnan (the He) were sourced and the Creator Paramatma (He is God Almighty).
Sima krama or dharma Santi is a dialogue between people about what and how that has been, and now and the future. How can we increase our inner and outer lives forward by relying on the experience so far. So with the new year warning saka (Nyepi) people have a spiritual dialogue with all those who worshiped God, the ancestors, with the bhuta, with ourselves and our fellow human beings for the sake of balance, harmony, prosperity, and peace together. 

But it should also be recognized that any religious holy day like this Nyepi, there are temptations. Good because bhutakala remnants, leftover drunk, old grudges bring an opportunity or other action. The real world is indeed controlled by the laws of RWA Bhineda. Good-bad, win-lose, rich-poor, miserable-happy. Humans are in between it and humans are tested to control himself in between two things that are different and even mutually contradictory.
When poured in a poem may be as follows.
With flowers make yadnya,
Melasti with going to the beach.
If only religious discourse, the condition
prosperous - Secure hard peace is achieved.
So religion must be understood,
understood, implemented or
practiced properly.
Dharma Santi
The Dharma Santi as a series of late Nyepi is a must be conducted in a family environment, citizens and residents near the nation. With Dharma Santi we can forgive each other if there are errors or mistakes that have occurred in any case within a period of one year earlier. In addition, also to talk about our future life together because of the conditions encountered will be more difficult and more complex, multi-round; multi-ethnic, multi-dimensional, multi-interest, multi-cultural and multi character. 

Therefore Santi dharma can be implemented anywhere and at any time after Nyepi origin passing of time less than a month after Nyepi. Very good that after every religious holiday (not just on Nyepi only) followed by a dharma Santi or sima krama, or spiritually often done when there is a ceremony at Temple piodalan with "meprani". Mesima Krama, or dharma meprani Santi is an opportunity to dialogue among themselves about various aspects of life. Since the Vedas states "Wasudewa kutumbakan" (the whole world is our family). Or sarwa asa mama mitram bhawantu (Make all over the world as our friend).
For around of Bali, this is analogous to the concept of the need to behave familiar strengthened through dharma Santi. So it is the turn of Saka Year reminder of resurrection and renewal. Nyepi is a reflection of consciousness to control yourself and evaluation or introspection. Dharma is a dialogue santi fellow for life balance mentally and physically. So that can be delivered, may be useful. We apologize for . "Happy New Year Nyepi Saka 1931," May Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa Asung Kerta Wara nugraha to us all that we Santi, can increase Sadana bhakti towards Jagadhita the world prosperous. Om Ano Bhadrah Kratawo Yantu Wiswatah (hopefully all good thoughts come from every direction across).

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